Tuesday, September 10, 2024

PL 3.0 Expectations

The purpose of all Kaneland
Personalized Learning PD Academies has been to promote continual professional growth among staff, to enhance student learning. Personalized learning is a district wide philosophy and i
mplementing learner-centered instructional practices continues to be a non-negotiable for all Kaneland staff.

Kaneland Personalized Learning Academy 3.0 is the culminating Academy, allowing teachers in all Kaneland schools to demonstrate application of the Ten Tenets of PL. Staff have a period of two years to share evidence of each tenet being applied within their setting. For those who ended their two year cycle in May 2024, and have not yet submitted PL 3.0 evidence, we will be following up this month to provide support with completion. For those in their first or second year of completion, feel free to reach out to  Educational Service if you have any questions. For your reference, the Ten Tenets of PL in Kaneland can be found HERE, and the original PL 3.0 Presentation can be found HERE.

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